Supporters and Partners of POW
At POW we cannot deliver our work alone. We work with a number of fantastic agencies, sister organisations, small business and local providers to help anyone who walks through the doors of POW with the support they need. One of our partner agencies sent through this feedback to POW around our multi-agency working during the COVID-19 pandemic:
POW could not exist without the generous grant funding from local and national sources; this including the National Lottery, Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Nottinghamshire Police & Crimes Commissioner, Lloyd’s Funding and the People’s Postcode Lottery.
We want to thank the following partners for supporting our work, working closely with us to improve lives:
- Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Nottingham Sexual Health Services
- The Wellbeing Hub
- Nottingham Recovery Network
- Emmanuel House
- Probation Services & Nottingham One
- Nottinghamshire Police
- Housing Aid
- Nottingham City Council
- All Saints Housing
- Nottingham City Homes Association
- National Ugly Mugs
- Nottingham LGBT+ Network
- Nottingham Trent University
- The University of Nottingham
- The Law Centre
- The TOPAZ Centre
- Nottingham Women’s Centre
- Juno Women’s Aid
- Nottingham Sexual Violence Services
- The Arches
- DM Physiotherapy
- Sabrina Marie Taylor Counselling
- Big Lottery Community Fund
- Women and Girls Initiative
- Nottinghamshire PCC
- Justyna Hodur for photography – Check out Justyna’s Instagram.
- Digby Johnson Solicitor
- Consent Coalition Nottingham
- SWARM (Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement)
- Vivastreet
- English Collective of Prostitutes (The ECP)
- Tesco
- Greggs
- Lush Nottingham
- Boots
- Annie’s Burger Shack
- Fairshare
- In-Kind
- Hope Food Banks
- Free Periods
- Bras not Bombs
We have no doubt missed out countless people who help us deliver our work. If you would like to sponsor or donate towards the running of POW get in touch or click here to go to our donate page.