About Us
POW Nottingham is a non-profit, voluntary organisation supporting the rights of sex workers and those at risk of being exploited. POW recognises and supports the rights of individual sex workers to self-determination. This includes the right to remain in or leave sex work. POW aims to empower our diverse community, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education, advocacy and multi-agency working.
POW Nottingham aims to preserve and protect good health within the sex worker community whilst ensuring appropriate services are accessible.
The service provides a diverse range of health and well-being services via drop-in and outreach provision to those involved in, wishing to leave or at risk of becoming involved in sex work. The service provides satellite clinics for sexual health and drug misuse, condoms and sexual health information and facilitates, attendance at health appointments in addition to delivering outreach sessions. POW Nottingham also seeks to affect larger societal change through advocacy and training, increasing public awareness and providing the tools needed to engage the local and national communities around issues of sex work and sexual exploitation.
Meet the Team
POW has a core staff team to support the service and anybody who accesses POW. We also have a host of amazing volunteers who help ensure we can run our day to day operations. This includes volunteer cooks, drivers, centre support, social media coordinators and building and garden maintenance.
Jessica Brannan – CEO
Valerie Ross – Senior Manager
Michelle Brown – Office Manager
Holly Slater – Service Coordinator
Sam Richardson-Martin – Specialist Women and Girls Navigator
Sarah McHugh – Exploitation Worker
Lisa Harvey – Off-Street Worker
Noreen Saddique – Crisis Intervention Worker
Rose Curl – Police Liaison Worker
Emma Ward – Progression Worker
As a long standing and established charity within Nottingham we have a Board of Trustees governing and providing oversight of the service and the running of the charity. Our current board is comprised of:
Corrine Miller – Joint Chair
Clive Shirland – Joint Chair
Deidre Bowen – Treasurer
Tarze Edwards Small – Trustee
Larissa Sandy – Trustee